

2024  --   2023

Jan:   62  --  39

Feb:  50  --  50

Mar:  49  --  87

Apr:  47  --  54

May: 77 --  49

June: 45  --  47

July:      --   64

Aug:    -- 54

Sep:   -- 75

Oct:     -- 44 

Nov:   -- 52

Dec:    -- 60

YTD Total Calls: 

2024 -- 

2023 -- 629

2022 -- 657

2021 -- 581

2020 -- 457*

2019 -- 564

2018 -- 532

2017 -- 516

2016 -- 405

2015 -- 475

2014 -- 430

2013 -- 463

June 2024 

45 Calls for service

7 Fire

25 EMS

2 Hazardous Material 

10 Service Calls

1 Automatic alarm 


Back to the Basics -- Ladders for Rescue


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Join Us for a Series of Town Hall Meetings Hosted by the Ponder Fire Department

The Ponder Fire Department invites all community members to attend a series of Town Hall style meetings to discuss the future growth and support of our fire services. Our second meeting is soon, it will take place on Thursday, July 25th at 1800 at Ponder Volunteer Fire Department 102 E Bailey.

As our town continues to grow, so does the need for a well-equipped and adequately staffed fire department. These meetings will provide an open forum for residents to learn about our current challenges, ask questions, and share their thoughts on how we can best support and expand our services to meet future demands.

To accommodate everyone's schedule, we will host multiple sessions, allowing flexibility for all community members to attend and participate in these important discussions.  A future meeting is scheduled for August 5th.

Your input is invaluable to us. We look forward to seeing you there and working together to ensure the safety and well-being of our community.

For more information, please contact Fire Chief James Longbrake or Assistant Chief Andrew Economedes at 940-479-2488.

Sincerely, The Ponder Fire Department